upper extremity only
Featured Video: Tennis Elbow
Featured Video: See what an UE course is like!
**Some states only allow upper extremity dry needling for occupational therapists. However, some states require a minimum of 50 hours of training. Clinicians who complete the UE Only course are eligible to take dry needling course two and receive 54 hours of dry needling training and their UDN-C credential**
occupational therapists
if you wish to have four or more clinicians certified, we can come to you! "Courses in Your clinic" is available for occupational therapists. Private two-person courses available as well. price varies slightly by location.
Contact luke@usdryneedling.com for more details!
Upcoming Courses:
august 22-24 2025 in Memphis Tennessee
Approved by:
*Approved for Occupational Therapists by the Bureau of Professional Licensure of the MS State Department of Health
Can occupational therapists perform dry needling?
Dry needling is recognized within the scope of practice of occupational therapists and some occupational therapists assistants under the direction of the supervising occupational therapist. Dry needling regulations vary by state. Nationally, the AOTA states dry needling is within the scope of practice of occupational therapy.
© 2017 MS Dry needling education, LLC | luke@Usdryneedling.com
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